My strategy to quickly learn new industries, subjects, and more

Let's say you're faced with a fresh industry or an exciting hobby. It's new territory, and naturally, it can feel a bit intimidating. Sure, you've got your trusty books, tutorials, and videos. They're reliable guides offering tactical know-how, but they're only part of the puzzle. To truly conquer the mountain of knowledge, you've got to strap on your boots and walk the walk yourself. Don't sweat it. I've got a strategy to make this active learning process a little more manageable, surprisingly fun, and even scalable.

Step One: Narrow Your Scope

First off, don't try to be a master of all. Pick a specific subject and stick with it. Whether that's evaluating service providers, understanding industry trends, or exploring the wide world of apple varieties, focus is your secret weapon.

Step Two: Build a Structure

Then, put on your thinking cap. Not just any cap, though—this one's got to be structured. Think about your subject as if it were a spreadsheet. Rows and columns are your new best friends. Don't worry; it's less monotonous than it sounds.

Step Three: Start Small

Begin with the resources you've got. A couple of websites are a great starting point. You don't need to gulp down all the knowledge in one sitting. Start small, and before you know it, you'll be making strides.

Step Four: Break It Down

Deconstruct your subject into manageable chunks. Consider each aspect of your subject as a separate dimension of data. In your handy database, each column represents one of these dimensions.

Step Five: Compare and Contrast

This is where it gets interesting. Each row in your database is an individual entity ready for examination. You're going to evaluate these, comparing and contrasting them along your different dimensions.

Take apples as an example. Your rows could be different apple breeds, like Gala, Pink Lady, or Granny Smith. Each column would then represent specific attributes, such as size, color, taste, season, crispness, sweetness, sourness. Got it?

As your knowledge grows, you'll discover more breeds. Just add them as a new row in your database, carefully documenting their attributes in the relevant columns. Got some blank cells in your database? They're not ideal, but they're allowed. Over time, you'll want to fill these in.

You may even find you need additional columns down the line. Feel free to add them as necessary. Just remember to go back through each row to fill in the newly added information.

That's the trick—using databases as a way to organize, compare, and contrast your knowledge of a particular subject. It might seem like a big step, but once you get the hang of it, you'll find it's an effective way to dive deep into your topic of choice.

Databases aren't just for the tech whizzes. They're a tool anyone can use to learn more efficiently. They let you map out the landscape of a chosen industry, spot opportunities, identify gaps, and make comparisons—all in a neat, scalable way. So go ahead, build your database, and embark on your path to proficiency. Happy learning!