My configuration for Traefik 2.0, Docker, and LetsEncrypt This is my pristine production-quality config for deploying Traefik as my front-end proxy and TLS termination server.
Django is My Go-to Application Framework for 2020 Django continues to be a rational and powerful choice to build your modern web application or SaaS.
How can I effectively network and talk to recruiters? LinkedIn, LinkedIn, and LinkedIn. It is 2019. Every time I get an CV without a LinkedIn profile referenced then I assume that the applicant must be a time traveler from the past. Step 1. Create LinkedIn profile. Step 2. Stack your profile all the buzzwords of the day. Eg -
How important is a GitHub presence when hiring? Any Github presence is a strong signal that someone is willing to put themselves out there. It shows a willingness to invite others into their code-bases (warts and all), and hopefully be receptive to feedback. Having a public git repo is a sign of bravery, and that is nice to
How can your organization keep costs under control? We keep it simple (KISS Principal). A lot of stuff here is a little counter-intuitive as well. * Our stack is Docker, Django, Traefik on a SINGLE Linux VM. * We deploy via CI/CD pipelines (Bitbucket) * We build in a monolith rather than microservices * We use a database as a queue
What is your unpopular opinion on startup culture? First, my two favorite thinkers on the subject are the Co-Founders of Jason Fried and David H. Hansson are two minds whom I respect and admire. Through their work at Basecamp and few books published to date, they cover topics such as Work-life balance, funding, and management. Many
In the 90s teens used pagers as the original instant messenger Never underestimate your customers, especially if they are teenagers. Before cell phones blew up some of us had pagers, and I remember doing this. We had a number of ad-hoc codes that would signal times, locations, and people we were with. It was the original "Short Message Service."
Budget for Birthdays This is too easy to not screw it up. All you need to have is a calendar for everyone's birthday. Make sure there is a bit of time and money in place. This works while your team is still small (less than 30), but after that you will
Always keep a bottle of champagne handy Because you never know when good news will strike I’ve stolen this one from my wife who always keeps a bottle chilled in our refrigerator at home. Why not have the same at the office? Any given day there can be a reason to celebrate: * People getting married * People
Ghost file downloads with Traefik, Docker, and Filebrowser How to setup your Ghost blog docker deployment with file attachments for your posts.