You Should Be Hiring Mullets. (write that down)

Not because it's cool (it is), but because it's what your company actually needs right now.
"Business in the front, party in the back" isn't just some throwback style. It's the whole point.
In our corporate, don't-let-HR-see-this reality, it means you're getting a 360° person. Someone who exists in both worlds because they have to. That's what keeps companies alive.
Need someone customer-facing?
Hire a mullet.
Need someone to rally the troops when morale tanks because the CEO went on a VC-capital-infused bender and hired 100 people then fired them in less than a year?
Hire a mullet.
Need firefighting with the remaining plebs have to keep things running after leadership ran off the best talent?
Hire a mullet.
Need a grown-up to say the quiet parts out loud so that we can have the tough conversations that lead to good outcomes?
Hire a mullet.
(see the theme here?)
The facts are that it is the mullets in your org that glue the front of the house to the back of the house.
From the ones making promises to the ones delivering on them.
Mullets are the ones who turn those pitch-deck lies into future-truths. (by hook or by crook)
That's why you hire mullets.
Because when everything's falling apart, you need someone who can show up in a button-down, fix your shit with duct tape and vim, and make it look intentional.
We're not here because we look good on paper. We're here because we make impossible things happen.